A Beautiful Gory Display, Kickstart Comics, Comics

A Beautiful Gory Display – New Releases from Kickstart Comics

Headache – I’m going to be honest with you – I anticipated liking this one solely on the basis of the cover blurb from Matt Nix.  If the guy who created Burn Notice and The Good Guys likes something, it’s got my interest.  And writer Lisa Joy has written for not only the aforementioned Burn Notice, but also the much-missed Pushing Daisies

The hero of Headache is Sarah Pallas, an institutionalized 18-year-old girl who is also Athena, the Greek goddess.  (The clever title comes from the myth in which Athena was born by bursting, fully-formed, from Zeus’ head.  You have to admit, that’s a darn good joke.)  Even though she’s in an asylum, her mother, Hera, still wants her dead.  The rest of the Greek pantheon has big plans to plunge the world into war, and Athena is the only one who can stand in their way. 

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