A Beautiful Gory Display, Kickstart Comics, Comics

A Beautiful Gory Display – New Releases from Kickstart Comics

There are some awesome action scenes here.  Whether it’s two gods shooting each other with magic or actual physical confrontations, the battles are just great.  Sarah is a fantastic protagonist – she’s not quite comfortable with her godhood, but she’s a fierce combatant.  Sometimes Sarah is practically a teenage girl version of Wolverine, which is appropriate.  Athena wasn’t just the goddess of wisdom, but also warfare and strength.

If you follow Kickstart on Facebook, and you should, you’ve probably seen that they’ve been posting quotes from Headache for the last week.  Joy writes some killer dialogue.  “I don’t need Armageddon to inspire fear and respect in humans.  I’m a movie star.”  “I was worried she’d want to save mankind.  Turns out, she just wants Hot Pockets.”  “Twigs.  An anorexic depressive.  She hates herself so much, there’s no hate left for anyone else.  She’s an innocent.”  It’s a big ideas book that’s packed with nice moments.

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