A Beautiful Gory Display is switching it up this week with our first ever video game review. Of
course, it is a Batman video game, so at least we’re still safely inside our wheelhouse here. Also, we’ll be looking at the new graphic novel that wraps up the recently canceled Middleman television series. So the theme for this week is: “Things that are awesome”.

Batman: Arkham Asylum (available for Xbox 360 and PS3 – coming soon to PC) – Batman doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to video games. Most of his games have been quickie tie-ins to his most recent movies or TV series, and while some have been reasonably fun, none have really stood out as being exceptional. Last year’s LEGO Batman was Batman’s best video game outing to date, but last week EIDOS released this new game. Not only is it the best Batman game ever, it’s an all-around exceptional game.