Kickstart Comics

Kickstart Comics – The Mark Sable Interview for Rift Raiders

EJ:  Oh man, that all sounds awesome.  We’ll have to talk again when these books come out.  Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us!

Rift Raiders is in stores now, and you should buy it.  Heck, you’re going shopping this week anyway!  Also, if you have an iPad, Kickstart has their books available for sale on the Comixology app.

I’d like to thank everybody at Kickstart for being so great all week – they’ve all been really fun to talk to, and we appreciate everybody taking the time to answer our questions.  They’re good people, and they’re doing really good stuff here.  Check out their Facebook page then go pick up any or all of their books – I had so much fun reading these books, and I think you will, too.  Provided you like things that are awesome, of course.

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