
Eight Short Opinions About Recent Things

**And one last Lost-related piece. Since I’m not doing A Beautiful Gory Display this week, I feel like this is the best place to mention it.Captain America:Reborn pretty much hinges on a big old Lost ripoff as the means to return Cap to life.See, his consciousness is bouncing around through events of his past, as if he were unstuck in time. You know, exactly like Desmond.Now, since that bit of Lost was inspired by Kurt Vonnegut (which the creators have publicly acknowledged), I can’t get too upset about that.The fact that his timejumps are accompanied by a white flash is moderately bothersome.But it goes too far when another character is referred to as Cap’s “Constant”.I’m calling a foul on that one.Of course, if this somehow leads to a John Locke guest appearance, all is forgiven.

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