
EJ’s Top 15

14. Pushing Daisies – I’ll admit, it took me a couple of episodes to get into the swing of this series, but it turned out to be absolutely delightful.  And I’m not a man who uses the word ‘delightful’ with any sort of frequency.  A sweet love story with a decidedly morbid twist, Daisies struck a balance that eluded most interesting new series this year, where the individual episodes lived up to the premise.

13. How I Met Your Mother – It’s not that this show was ever bad, or even not good, but I feel like this season has been a huge improvement.  The fact that the Ted/Robin relationship was doomed from the outset made it hard to be emotionally involved.  I mean, the narrator from the future told us in the first episode that the relationship was doomed, so it sort of felt like we were marking time.  But now that’s over with, and all is well.  What’s better than Slapsgiving?  Nothing, that’s what.

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