It’s the end of the year, and that means it’s time to reflect on the truly massive amount of TV I watched this year. And while it’s like trying to rank my children, I’m ranking my Top 20 Series of the Year. (For the record, I don’t have children, but I feel like I’d be able to rank them if I did. There’s always one kid in every group who’s kind of a lemon.)
As in other years, I don’t include reality series on my list. There are several that could have made my list, but it’s always hard to determine whether a show is legitimately good (like Amazing Race or Top Chef) or so bad it’s good. I love Big Brother and Celebrity Apprentice more than I can really justify, but I can’t actually in good conscience say that they’re the best of the year. Just know that in an alternate reality, Wipeout made the list. High on the list.
Today, I’ll reveal 11 – 20, and the Top 10 will hit tomorrow. I’m not going to lie – the Top 10 looks a
lot like last year’s Top 10, but until my favorites stop being awesome, that’s just going to happen.

20. Glee (FOX) – I’m glad this is popular, or else I’d feel more like I have to explain myself. Yes, it made my heart leap when the Glee Club busted out “Don’t Stop Believin’” in the premiere, and I can’t stand Journey. Glee strikes a nice balance between cynicism and heart, with Ryan Murphy (creator of the gleefully mean Nip/Tuck) showing some real affection for these misfits right alongside vicious satire. The series also brings us one of the year’s best villains, Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester, the cheerleading coach. And yes, the music numbers are pure dynamite. If they can just get past the terrible episode-to-episode continuity (which also plagues Nip/Tuck), Glee should just keep moving up the list.