Fun With Pop Culture


RICHARD HATCH (Survivor) – Yes, he was the first winner of the first reality show. More importantly, he created a style of play. Nobody else cut deals and formed alliances – now you can’t find a show without one. At the time, he was considered a dirty player, but by Season Two, people realized that they needed to emulate Hatch to have a shot at winning. Today, you simply won’t see a competitive reality show where the participants weren’t influenced by Hatch.

GREGORY HOUSE (House) – Sure, he’s a relatively new character, but his popularity and visual recognition factor should qualify him right off the bat. He’s in virtually every scene of every episode, and when he’s not in the scene, it’s usually because other characters are talking about him. (If only he had access to a time machine, he’d be Homer Simpson’s pitch for Poochie.) House is really a character examination disguised as a medical drama. And other than my grandparents, you’d be hard-pressed to find somebody who doesn’t have at least some frame of reference for the character.

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