Fun With Pop Culture

In Memoriam: This Year’s Cancellations


Cane – This show was billed as the “Latino Dynasty”, and it turns out it doesn’t help to liken a new show to one that hasn’t aired in nearly twenty years. A fantastic cast including Jimmy Smits, Hector Elizondo, and Nestor “Richard ‘Batmanuel’ Alpert” Carbonell just couldn’t inject any life into this series. There was potential, though.

Jericho – I know this left a lot of fans heartbroken, but sending peanuts to the network don’t pay the bills. I’m kind of out of the loop here, because of my searing hatred for Gerald McRaney after his season playing George Hearst on Deadwood. I would have spent every episode of Jericho hoping that a prostitute would shoot him.

Kid Nation – It turns out, I don’t really find kids that interesting. Your mileage may vary, I suppose. Still, I try to avoid kids in real life, so I can’t see willingly watching them on TV.

Moonlight – Damn, this show was awful. Just aggressively stupid. It’s like the writers hated their jobs and were trying to get fired. Plus, you know, it was the third primetime series about a vampire detective – I think that horse has been successfully beaten.

Power of 10 – I remember that an episode of Big Brother 8 had the houseguests appearing on this show, and I still remember nothing about it. This is the only thing I’ve been able to forget about Big Brother in nine seasons.

Secret Talents of the Stars – One episode of a show that cost virtually nothing to make. Did anybody watch this?

Shark ­– I’m actually surprised to see this on the list. It’s one of those shows I assume that older people really enjoy. Does anybody know any old people to confirm this?

Viva Laughlin – Hee! A Las Vegas drama where the characters occasionally sing along with the soundtrack. It wasn’t good. No, it wasn’t even a little bit good, but at least it was an attempt to try something new. I’d rather see something that’s bad in an interesting way than something like Moonlight or Unhitched, which were just bad in a bad way.

Welcome to the Captain – More forced sitcom quirkiness than you can handle. It did have a couple good lines, almost all from Jeffrey Tambor. Sure, the show wasn’t good, but it assured that I will forever refer to Three’s Company as “T. Co.”

Cancellations: 9

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