Fun With Pop Culture

Rockin’ the Vote (Nov 4)

Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica) – The former Secretary of Education, promoted to the Presidency when, well, humanity was mostly wiped out. You think dealing with the Iraq War is going to be tough for the new President? Try having your first day of a Presidency coincide with near-genocide. Oh, and also religious fanatic robots are infiltrating the surviving humans. The inauguration was somber at best.

Despite initial resistance, Roslin has proven herself on numerous occasions. Whether dealing with water rationing or brokering a temporary peace with the Cylons, she’s risen to the occasion. And she’s crossed party lines by giving Tom Zarek, who opposed her re-election bid, a place in her administration.

Pros: A strong leader who’s been tested in many different arenas. Willing to listen to those with more experience, without being bullied.

Cons: Well, there’s the health issue. Also, she’s having prophetic dreams, which does not engender confidence. Sometimes clouded by emotion when it comes to Baltor, and she also might be the 12th Cylon.

Overall: Superb leadership and fortitude. We’d be lucky to have a leader like her, unless she’s a sleeper agent. Frankly, that makes me nervous.

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