Fun With Pop Culture

Rockin’ the Vote (Nov 4)

The Head of Richard Nixon (Futurama) – More than a thousand years after his first term-and-a-half, Richard Nixon’s head was again elected President of Earth thanks to a near-unanimous vote from the robot demographic. (He found a legal loophole – Nobody can be elected to more than two terms, and as a head in a jar, Nixon indeed has no body.)

Nixon’s head led Earth into a record number of interplanetary wars, including violent skirmishes with the Ball Aliens and the Neutrals. He enjoyed a brief surge of popularity when he gave all Earthlings a $300 tax refund, and was last seen discussing the universe’s relationship with Yivo with a panel of experts. Considering the amount of time that has passed in the Futurama Universe, he has been re-elected at least once, so whatever he’s doing is working.

Pros: He’s got the experience, and he did open trade relations with China.

Cons: Is Richard Nixon.

Overall: The guy went on a destructive rampage when he briefly had a robot body, and he gave the headless body of Spiro Agnew a key role in his administration. The Head of Richard Nixon is a ticking time bomb.

All right, get out there and vote. I’m just saying, I think there are a few perfectly valid write-ins here, in case you really want to make a statement. Palmer ’08!

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