Fun With Pop Culture

Six TV Shows That Need To Be Made Into Videogames

The Office – There are actually a surprising number of Office-based games out there.  But they’re all just time-wasting games with Dunder-Mifflinites tossed in.  Seriously, that app where you toss paper into a wastebasket is not appreciably enhanced by knowing that you’re playing as Jim.  But they’re missing a golden opportunity here – a game based on Michael Scott’s screenplay, Threat Level Midnight.  Play as Michael Skarn infiltrating an enemy base – like Metal Gear Solid, only with no internal sense of logic.  (Which I guess is still like Metal Gear Solid…)  Settings and motivations change without warning, the laws of physics may or may not apply at any given moment, you have infinite ammo except when Michael remembers to keep track…  There’s a ridiculous amount of potential to satirize an entire gaming genre and create all sorts of loopy, nonsensical scenarios.

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