Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part Two

SCENE STEALERS OF THE YEAR –  Though she didn’t last the whole season, we’ve got to give it up for Randee Heller as Mad Men’s Miss Blankenship.  As the one secretary Don Draper didn’t sleep with this year, Miss Blankenship was an absolute delight.  Whether it was her lack of any sort of filter in between her brain and her mouth, or her inability to comprehend 1965’s cutting edge technology, she got a laugh almost every time she spoke.  And finding out that she used to be a real hellcat back in the day?  Awesome.  She added a lighter touch to an emotionally exhausting season, and whenever she appeared in a scene, she made it hers.  And when she died at her desk, her final gift was the funniest sight gag of the year as they tried to move her body without any clients noticing.

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