Fun With Pop Culture

The First Annual Spunky Awards – Part Two

THE JIM AND PAM AWARD — If you took Jim and Pam, gave them a little bit of any age difference and made them kind of dim, you would have Parks & Rec’s Andy and April.  These two both started out as very minor characters in the Pawnee universe, but have come to be the heart of the show.  April used to seem almost too disaffected to be believed, but her relationship with Andy has softened her perfectly.  Andy used to seem way too dumb to live, until you see him protect and flirt with April.  It was sweet to watch them realize their mutual affection over the course of the season, and now that April is 21, and Andy is past worrying she’s too young for him to date, we’re moving onto the next phase.  There will first be the hurdle of April’s insecurity over Andy’s ex, Ann, which we think they’ll get past in due time.  Then we get to watch puppy love bloom.  It’s like being back on season 2 of The Office, only minus stupid Roy and plus Andy’s band Mouse Rat! MOST DESERVING PROMOTION TO SERIES REGULAR – Here we have a tie.  With Season Two, John Oliver’s Professor Duncan became a regular on Community, teaching the study group’s anthropology class despite being completely unqualified.  As we know from The Daily Show, the guy’s hilarious and he’s a great fit at Greendale.  Especially when he’s fighting with Chang.

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