Fun With Pop Culture

The Office — Who’s the New Boss?

Darryl Philbin: The warehouse manager was promoted to the office proper last year, and every indication is that he’s actually very good at his job.  Darryl’s shown a lot more depth of late, as we’ve seen glimpses of his personal life.  And he’d be an appealing candidate for Sabre, as they aggressively promote their Minority Executive Program.  Let’s face it, Craig Robinson is hilarious, and he’s brought some real emotion to Darryl – I think he could carry a show.  The problem is that he doesn’t bring enough dysfunction to the table.  He’s funniest when he’s the sanest one in the room, and he’s well-liked enough by the other employees that the transfer of power would go smoothly and he’d do a good job.  And that might not exactly be the story generator that they need.  I think he’d be best in his same position, but undercutting the new boss.

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