Fun With Pop Culture

TV’s Best Bars

The Snakehole Lounge Pawnee, IN “Pawnee’s Sickest Nightclub” boasts a hot, juicy atmosphere (per their website) and an array of cleverly named specialty drinks.  Patrons are urged (repeatedly) to keep things classy, from attire to dancing, Grinding is encouraged while freaking is frowned upon on the poorly lit dance floor.  The bouncers are known for their large yet amazingly soft hands.   Signature drinks include the “Pawnee Sunrise”, inspired by the 1906 Pawnee Bread Factory Fire, and the “Schrempf Cocktail” (actually just a tall glass of Jagermeister topped off with a novelty straw), named for former Indiana Pacer and Snakehole VIP Detlef Schrempf.   Even more delightful concoctions, as well as details on how to become an investor in the club, can be found on their website. Four Stars (Parks & Recreation)

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  1. The Regal Beagle!

  2. You just heard two people simultaneously kicking themselves for forgetting that one…

  3. DAMMIT!

  4. Bob’s Burgers sells beer!

    • But I guess it wasn’t on the air yet when this was published. I just wanted to give the Belcher’s a shout out. (Also it’s a restaurant, not technically a bar)

      • They definitely would have made the list these days! It’s a weird detail that they rarely acknowledge, but it’s very funny that Bob has a liquor license.

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