Kaleidoscopic Raygun, Mixed Beans

Kaleidoscopic Raygun: Conan Returns

But Conan is still a genius and he shook off his nerves very quickly, and by the end of November and probably by Christmas, he’s going to shake off his hurt feelings and he’ll break out of the box that he was in at NBC, and I’m betting he’s going to make some history, still.  (I also think in a few years he’ll be tapped to replace Letterman and will finally take his seat on the throne as king of late night and Kimmel and Ferguson will kiss his ring).

Until now, Conan has only been climbing the mountain. Each step a little better than the step before. He’s hosted Emmy’s and other big awards shows. He’s been a trend setter. An icon. But now he’s on basic cable. Yes, he joked and pretended it doesn’t matter, but when you’ve occupied Letterman’s historic late night time-slot and then Johnny Carson’s spot “immediately following your local news”, to suddenly find yourself in George Lopez’s voluntarily vacated 11 o’clock spot is a let down.

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