Kaleidoscopic Raygun

Kaleidoscopic Raygun: Voter Fatigue

Stick to the Issues that Matter Most to Americans

And finally, here’s an issue that has me cheezed-off. Why am I seeing “Black Friday” sales everywhere and it’s only November 1st? I’m a traditionalist and I think “Black Friday” should be defined as the Friday after Thanksgiving and it should stay that way. I’ll vote tomorrow for the Candidate who believes in the sanctity of Black Friday and defines it as the sacred union between my credit card and the stores where I shop.

At the end of the day, I’m a mass consumer and I’ll vote with my wallet.

Vote.  And remember, America is still awesome even with all our anguish and arguing. This baby may be ugly, but it’s my baby, and don’t nobody talk about my baby like that.

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