Secret Shame

My Secret Shame: Armageddon (Sep16)

Then again, everything here is a huge cliche.  If J.J. had turned this thing in for an assignment in a screenwriting class, it’d likely have gotten an “F”.  The crazy cosmonaut who speaks broken English and fixes things by hitting them with tools; the idea that lead character A.J. dies less than halfway into the movie (killing Owen Wilson was a good call, though.  How did he make a geologist into a surfer dude?); the cheesy nuclear weapons with huge digital read-outs like we were on Get Smart! It’s all pretty awful.  Every climactic moment is predictable.  I almost expected Bill Pullman to show up in a cameo and give his rousing “Independence Day” speech near the end.  The generic guy they’ve got in this movie is LAME.  Pullman would’ve rocked it!  Yet, I will sit there every time.

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