Mixed Beans

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw This Week (Dec 1-8)

Second place has to be Survivor and skinny Bob’s fake immunity idols.  Oh, we’ve come a long way since Yao Man painted the word “idol” onto a uniquely shaped stone and tied a stick to it.  Current Bob has fashioned two fake idols from sticks, strings, random beeds, and resin he was able to gather from around the camp and the wild terrain.  And, let me tell you, I’d be fooled.  100 percent.  And not only were his phony idols enough to behold and make my list of “Most Awesome Things”, but the results of the fake idols and that his first fake idol made Randy look like a complete buffoon was even better.  They say its not nice to laugh at people, but what if that person is a hateful, sexist, bigot without any redeeming social qualities?  In that case, I always say, laugh and point.  Force your laughter, in fact, to the point you almost make yourself hoarse from forced, over-the-top laughter.  Here’s to you, jackass Randy.  Here’s to you.  I can’t wait to see his final question for whomever the final candidates are, both of whom he’ll hate more than terrorism.

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