What a Week It's Bean

What a Week It’s Bean (Oct 25-31)

So, there’s that.  And then there’s these…

Bill Pullman’s son was arrested on charges of assault, underage drinking, and moonshine possession.  Here’s a sneak preview of his defense:  “Mistaken identity, your honor.  They’re looking for Bill Paxton‘s son.” (ej)

The director of porn classic Deep Throat died this week.  Sad news, but we take comfort in the fact that he died of the most appropriate cause for a porn icon:  a stroke.  (ej)
Fresh off the success of the updated 90210 remake, The CW is considering a similar re-boot of Melrose Place.  And yet, no love for The Heights.  We may never know exactly how one talks to an angel. (ej)
Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle have signed to appear in two sequels to the hit Iron Man, as well as appearing in 2011’s The Avengers.  And somewhere, Terence Howard sits weeping in the dark, listening to his own demo on repeat play. (ej)
Congratulations to Amy Poehler and Will Arnett on the birth of Baby Archibald.  Archie is, most likely, the funniest baby ever and should have a sitcom deal in no time.  We congratulate the happy and awesome parents.
That’s the Arrested Development report!  Letting you know when GOB and Wife of GOB reproduce since 2008! (ej)
The Jonas Brothers have signed to appear in their second movie.  The brothers will play musicians in…. Walter the Farting Dog?  Huh.  You know what, I’m going to leave this one alone.  (ej)
CBS has pulled The Ex List from its schedule, leading viewers to believe that cancellation is imminent.  We at spunkybean take comfort in the fact that this frees up Amir Talai to join the cast of a more successful show, at which time we will make amends for failing to note him (and specifically his character’s excuses for being unemployed) in our Ex List review by covering the living crap out of his next project.  (ej)
Remember your civic duty this Tuesday and vote!  Whether you’re voting the Xander Crews / Fred Dryer ticket or you’re pulling for Killface / Ta’quil, it’s important that you vote.  In other news, certain spunkybean writers have difficulty distinguishing between Season Two of Frisky Dingo and the actual Presidential race.  (ej)
Also, Tuesday sees the release of the third original Futurama movie, Bender’s Game.  Well, it’s not like voting takes all day, right? (ej)

This isn’t really funny, but only goes to further support what we’ve been saying all along…this season of Dancing with The Stars is CURSED!  It’s now being reported that first-time pro Lacey Schwimmer also has endometriosis, like fellow dancer Julianne Hough, and only went to a doctor when she realized she had similar symptoms.  I think The Plague might be next, you guys. (mw)

FOX announced that they would not be renewing King of the Hill after its current episode order runs out.  While this is technically the third time that King has been cancelled, every time it happens a tiny piece of our soul dies.  You hear that FOX?  You’re murdering our souls!  (ej)
Entertainment Weekly broke the story that Mad Men star Jon Hamm is in talks for a multi-episode arc on 30 Rock as Liz Lemon’s love interest.  You may need a moment to sit down and breathe into a paper bag.  It’s OK.  We’ll wait.  And then we’ll high five.  (ej)In other 30 Rock news, ratings for the premiere were up 20% over last season’s average!  Here’s hoping Oprah golden touch brings in even more numbers next week.  Liz Lemonnnnnnnnnnnnnn! (mw)

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