Movie Reviews

Half-Ass Movie Review: Wall-E (Jul 8)

My five year old asked to leave only 10 minutes into my dissertation so I decided to save it and just enjoy the movie.

Take these three things from my review.  (1) Wall-E is visually stunning!  Breathtaking.  Many movies aren’t worthy of making the trek to the big screen movie house or, better yet, IMAX, but Wall-E is an exception.  See it in the theater if you can.  (2)  Wall-E has a beautiful story of love and responsibility and its message is clear – this future-Earth is a real possibility if nothing changes in our behavior.  Also of note, I did not get teary eyed at any point in this movie unlike a certain spunkybean writer who uses only his initials as his name.  (3)  Leave the 7-and-under crowd at home.
I give it 4 out of 5 beans.  Why only 4 out of 5 beans when I claimed to have loved it?  Well …because it could’ve been slightly more kid friendly.  That’s my only knock against it.

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