Waterfront Film Festival

The 11th Annual Waterfront Film Festival: Day One

According to SAGIndie Magazine, the Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck is one of the five favorite film festivals in America. I’ve been going for seven years now, and it’s amazing to see how it’s grown in that time. And I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Never once in all the years I’ve attended, have I ever been even mildly inconvenienced. This Festival is incredibly well-run, a miracle when you’re dealing with an all-volunteer project. The Waterfront Festival is an incredible achievement, and we Michiganders are so lucky to have access to a world-class festival like this one. Based on my experience, I think this might have been the best-attended festival yet – the venues were packed on a regular basis. Still, they managed to accommodate our swelling numbers and make it look easy.

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