Waterfront Film Festival

The 11th Annual Waterfront Film Festival: Day One

Now, it’s been my experience that every year, I end up disappointed in at least one movie. Considering that I usually see 8 or 9 total, that’s really not that bad. This year I ran the gauntlet of 10 movies, and I’ll tell you right now, I was happy with all of them. My tastes ran a little lighter this year, because I decided that I don’t want to see anything that is described with the phrase “coming of age” or the word “bittersweet”. That’s where the disappointments have been in past years, after all. And I can’t pretend to have seen everything – I couldn’t find a spot for the much-anticipated documentary Fierce Light, and while World’s Greatest Dad was the hot ticket this year, it stars Robin Williams, which automatically makes it a no-go for me. But that’s the great thing about the Festival – they have a lot of movies. When I can see ten in two days and still not finish my to-do list, that’s a power lineup.

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