Amazing Race

The Amazing Race Season 18 “Unfinished Business”–Snap Judgements

EJ–This was always so uncomfortable, because Luke was such a pissy little jerk.  And you don’t really want to say that about a deaf guy, but he was awfully mean.  I remember him making some especially nasty comments about various women during his season.  It’s been a few years, and maybe he’s grown up a little.  I’m hoping, at least.

Mel & Mike MYNDI–I already liked Mike White, so it was no big shock that I ended up diggin’ his dad Mel, too.  I was seriously disappointed when they were eliminated, so they have to be one of my pre-race sentimental favorites.  They have the smarts, and they are a good team, but at 40 and 70, they will have to work a little harder at some of the physical challenges.

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