Amazing Race

The Amazing Race Season 18 “Unfinished Business”–Snap Judgements

EJ–The one time I liked Ron was when he said that he had ‘real truth flavor’.  I really found then uncomfortable to watch, so I hope they’ve dealt with their issues.  I really liked Christina, but that might have been because I felt sorry for her.  Not too thrilled about seeing a team whose claim to fame was that they made me die a little inside every time they appeared.

Zev & Justin

These guys weren’t around long enough to bug anyone, plus they had an endearing story (Zev is autistic) and a bummer of an elimination (disqualified after losing their passports).  But, their appearance begs the question, where are Dallas and his mom, Toni?  They lost their passports a lot closer to the finish line.  Nevertheless, I hope these guys are a fun duo.  They seem like nice guys.

I actually don’t remember this team at all.  I didn’t miss any seasons, but I have no recollection. You’d think I’d remember somebody named “Zev”, but I am halfway convinced that CBS is making these two up, and Myndi is playing along to see if I’ll fall for it.  Well, nice try, Weinraub!  I’m nobody’s chump!

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