Big Brother

Big Brother 10: The Final Eviction!

During his Chenterview, he says he’s “not sure it wasn’t a plan” for Dan and Memphis to do all they did just to end up in the final 2, and it dawns on him at just that moment that he was worked over good.  Julie asks if she thinks Dan made a mistake and Jerry says yes: he’s the deciding vote.  After being asked if he’ll vote personally or for the best player, Jerry doesn’t show his cards, saying he tried to get both guys out at various points.  The goodbye messages are more of the same from Dan, whiie Memphis congratulates him and hopes he sees him as a friend.  Jerry gets a bit choked up talking about his wife, as he should, and we are told this is his last “Hurrah”.  he says he gave it everything he had.  He even hopes he made the network proud.

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