Big Brother

Big Brother 10: The Final Eviction!

Dan is talking smack to Memphis as they continue all about his “bold move” to evict Keesha.  Jerry DRs that Memphis kept his promise.  Memphis DRs that Jerry is old, deaf and blind.  But he’s a little nicer about it. A little.  For his part, Dan tells us about his aside to Keesha regarding Michelle, and that “finish it” meant for her to secure Michelle’s vote and any others as well.  He congratulates himself on throwing the POV.

We find out that–surprise!–Dan’s “out of your mind” comment to Memphis after Keesha left was staged, like just about everything these two do lately.  Jerry is totally buying it though.  On the planes, Memphis asks if Dan’s ever been on something called a balance board, and Dan is all, “I stayed on one for 12 hours, until my friend STABBED ME IN THE BACK.”  It’s actually pretty funny, and plays like a marginally funny SNL skit that airs in the ten to one slot.

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