Big Brother

Big Brother 10: The Final Eviction!

Jerry falls early as expected, and Dan DRs that the plan was for Memphis to fall soon after.  Dan keeps up with the relentless smack talk, all about how he’s going to be there all night and Memphis looks like he’d punch him if he could reach.  Now, it’s rainy and windy and the planes are moving more erratically.  Dan can’t believe Memphis is still hanging on, but Memphis says he had to make it look like he put up a fight.  When he does fall off, it looks pretty convincing that he slipped.

Now that Dan has won part 1, he figures Jerry might throw part 2 to Memphis and let them duke it out and do the picking as far as final two.  I kind of don’t think Jerry has that much control over the situation.  Jerry eats dinner and thanks Memphis for saving him earlier.  He DRs that he’s enjoying Memphis, and that “there’s a nice side to him.”  Oh, man, is Jerry gonna be pissed when he watches the whole season.

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