Big Brother

Big Brother 10: The Final Eviction!

Dan enters the living room with boxing gloves for part 2 of the HOH.  Jerry prays he doesn’t have to actually box Memphis.  Now that would be awesome, huh?  The Muzak version of “Eye of the Tiger” plays as Memphis reads the set up.  There are 10 rounds, and each man needs to come up with the HOH and final two nominees for each eviction.  Fastest time wins and goes on to face Dan in part 3.

I could go through all of them for you, but quite frankly, I’ve got things to do.  Each guy seems to miss on a few rounds, making obvious mistakes at first, but then they settle in, or so it seems.  Memphis is focused, and runs up to the cardboard cutouts of the houseguests and punches each with some force.  Jerry just kinds of walks up to each one and whiffs at it, sometimes with a glove, sometimes not.  The editing makes it seem like this might be close, but it still always seems like Memphis must be ahead.  As it turns out, he destroyed Jerry, finishing in 8:35 versus Jerry’s embarrassing 51:22.  Imagine the fun they had filming and then cobbling that package together.  Dan and Memphis manage not to laugh right there in the yard.  That’s nice of them.

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