Big Brother

Big Brother 10: The Final Eviction!

After a break, rousing applause takes us back to the studio.  Julie tells us that Keesha vowed to turn the jury against Memphis.   Cut to Casa de Bitter, where Renny is argumentative even while playing cards with Libra and Michelle.  Libra is so over this, I think.  All of it.  Renny says to the camera, “Being in the jury house sucks!  We’re losers and that’s why we’re here!”  Michelle can hardly wait to spill about the trip she thinks no one knows about.  This is gonna be funny!  April says she doesn’t want to see Jerry.  He’s all set up for pity votes galore.  April figures karma is coming into play and that Keesha will be next.  And here she is.  Renny greets her like it’s been about 10 years, while April and Michelle stand there radiating bitchitude.  April says it was good to see Keesha lose since she backstabbed her.  Keesha tells the story about Memphis winning POV and then evicting her.  Renny called it, didn’t she?  Michelle is BURSTING.  “Well, I know a lot” she says.  Keesha, as if she’s talking to a small child, says, “I know, you went on a trip with Dan!”  and the wind goes out of Michelle’s sails but quick.  To her credit, she at least interviews that Dan is doing a pretty good job playing the game.

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