Big Brother

Big Brother 10: The Final Eviction!

As they watch the DVD, Michelle remarks on it being a setup when Keesha was initially safe, while Renny says how Memphis and Dan were just using Keesha.  I can’t wait to see her jury question.  It will be wonderfully incoherent, no doubt.  April just hopes Jerry makes final two, as she does not want to reward “cockiness.”  Oh, whatever, April.  Keesha gives Dan credit for his game moves.

At last, it’s the final part of the HOH.  Same set up as ever, with Dan and Memphis at little tables and a divider between them.  Jerry’s in the adjoining room, not allowed to watch.  Also as usual, they will be guessing one of two answers to a question asked of each juror, and we will see the videotaped reply.

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