Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Eviction Week 6

Tonight’s HOH involves dropping colored cans into recycling tubes from a platform in the yard, and the first person to get 24 cans in by the end of the hour wins, or whoever is closest by that time.  Everyone’s missing their tubes like crazy, and Kevin has one in first.  As the hamsters keep frantically chucking cans over the edge of their platform, Julie gives us program notes.  Rejoining the houseguests, we see Kevin and Michele both have 4 cans each.  Then, a tiny platform pokes in and out in front of each tube from the bigger structure while the houseguests are dropping their cans, making it even tougher to get a can in the tube.  So…see you soon for what’s sure to be another weird and interesting week of Big Brother as we head to the home stretch!

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