Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Eviction, Week 7

We pick up after the Veto ceremony, where everybody reacts exactly the way you expect them to.Natalie says she’s coming after Jeff next week.Well, sure.I mean, with five people in the house, you kind of have to.After a while, there’s a confrontation out in the yard.Actually, you should watch the uncut version from the live feeds, courtesy of Myndi.(Note – Not Safe For Work.Unless you work on a loading dock or, I don’t know, a factory that makes swears.)
That’s right, Russell has threatened to beat up Jeff the second he enters the Jury House.I may be watching this scene through Jeff-colored glasses, but he’s pretty hilarious.He makes fun of the way Russell makes loud noises when he works out, of MMA in general and Russell’s status in the sport in particular (“I believe you get your ass kicked every day”.)And to me, Russell is making real threats, where Jeff’s are almost cartoonish.You don’t get to hear it in the episode, but he says he’ll “stab (Russell) in the neck” which is such a weird little-kid-style threat that you have to laugh.He also makes fun of Russell’s “dojo” and his repetitive line of argument.
You know, if Russell didn’t just get angry about things at every opportunity, he might take a minute to remember that he only needs two votes to stay in, and he’s already got one.Play nice with Jeff and Jordan, and Jordan might still vote Natalie out.You’ve got time Russell, use it wisely!Weirdly, Russell considers Kevin to be the “swing vote”, and I would think Kevin is a pretty definite vote against him.Russell tries to convince Kevin that it’s in his best interests to keep him around.Unfortunately, Kevin is cannon fodder no matter who goes home this week.
Later, everybody’s outside and Kevin says the only reason America gave him the Coup D’etat is because we, as a nation, “felt sorry” for Jeff after Russell yelled at him in week one.Yeah, that must be it.Jordan tells Jeff not to say anything, which puts Russell into an ugly sexist taunt mode.She gets right up in his face and Jeff only intervenes to get her out of Russell’s personal space.Russell really starts yelling, including telling Jordan that she’s fat.Finally, Jeff tells him to take five minutes and think of a good insult, and he’ll be waiting.Russell says maybe he’ll look up “Technotronics”, and I love Jeff’s response.“You can’t use ‘Technotronics’ because you said it 800 times already.Think of something new.”Hee.Jeff then reminds everybody “Keep Russell here, so he can squeeze the Final Five into the Final Two.”Ha!And of course, Russell’s the kind of guy who takes walking away from a fight to mean that the guy walking away is afraid.He then yells at the other houseguests and tells them that Jeff is going to put all of them up.Well, not next week, he isn’t.That’s kind of a weird argument, really.
Hey, time to visit the Jury House.Man, Jessie is going to have some catching up to do.“Remember Chima?Well….”Holy crap!Jessie is wearing pink spandex pants decorated with starbursts.Did he mug Randy “The Ram” Robinson for his pants?After talking about how great he is, he watches his farewell videos on DVD.Wait, these aren’t farewell videos at all!Lydia is wearing the unitard and talking about what Natalie told her and she knows she can’t trust him.Did they film these an hour before Lydia was evicted or something?(Duh, of course they didn’t have farewell videos, since nobody but Jeff even knew he was going on the block.Still, it seems like these were shot pretty late in the game.)He says he’s disappointed that he didn’t see Chima’s reaction.Oh, you missed out, all right.
Lydia arrives at the Jury House and tells Jessie how mad she is at him while she grins and hugs him.She’s undercutting her stated goal here.They actually play fight, because she’s incapable of being mad at any boy who pays attention to her.She shows Jessie some of Chima’s meltdown, and then he gets to see Jordan win HoH.Jessie expresses admiration for how Jeff’s running the game, and that’s pretty much it for those two.
We’re back live, and Julie addresses the tension in the house.It’s weird the way Russell just shuts off his crazy-guy anger for the live shows.Jordan tells Julie that she’s never been so mad as she was this week.Kevin says Jeff took him off the block because Jeff has a secret crush on him.Hee.Julie tries to embarrass Jordan, and it’s pretty funny.Julie announces that the “Have-Nots” are over and done with for the summer, which makes people happy.
Time to talk to Jeff in the HoH room!Jeff explains why he had to get rid of Russell this week, and I think at this point he’s preaching to the choir.He also says he’s worried that Kevin or Natalie will betray him, but he’ll play for Veto so he still has some hand in his fate.He talks a little about trying to get Jordan to pay more attention.That was uneventful, but it’s not like anybody thought Jeff was going to just lose it on Julie.
Julie gives each nominee a chance to plead their case.Natalie thanks everybody at CBS, and then thanks everybody in advance for keeping her in the house.You know, if that hadn’t been Natalie, that might have been kind of funny.Sadly, she’s a black hole of humor.Russell overuses the word ‘phenomenal’ and says that ‘personal attacks are part of the game’.And with that, it’s time to vote.
Jordan beams as she votes to evict Russell.Kevin also votes to evict Russell, and that’s that.Michelle also votes against Russell, because nobody wants the angry guy in the house.After the break, Julie shares the news.She does one of her rare fakeouts – “By a vote of 3 to zero, Natalie…. You are safe.”Hee.It’s like she’s Heidi Klum or something.Russell is nice on the way out and doesn’t snub anyone.I really think he’s a good guy who just resorts to yelling far too easily.
Julie asks Russell how and why he kept his exit classy.He explains his weird strategy of trying to be an amalgam of past Big Brother players, and I will never forgive him for making me think about the unholy spawn of Dick and Boogie.Russell acknowledges that Jeff made the right move by taking him out.Yeah, people always are impressed when others realize what a big threat they are.It’s acknowledgment of their awesomeness.In the farewell videos, Jeff is kind of rough on him, and Jordan says that she “strongly dislikes (him) – with a passion”.Wow.He ruffled some feathers but good.
Hey, I just now realized that all of the original cliques still have at least one member in the game.This has nothing to do with anything.
Time for the Head of Household competition, and this week, I’m nervous.The competition is s’more themed.But really it’s just one of those “bring liquid across the game surface and be the first to fill a container” challenges.Since they’re filling a 16 gallon container using an 8 ounce mug, we’re not going to see a winner tonight.Meanwhile, Julie promises to reveal a new twist behind this week’s HoH that lies behind a secret door.Well, really the door doesn’t look very secret, since it’s in the living room and it’s marked with a big question mark sign.I am assuming this means that the Riddler is involved.
When we come back, chocolate starts raining on the houseguests, which means this thing is a fetish video waiting to happen.
See you next week for the outcome of this contest, provided you don’t go online in a couple of hours to spoil yourself.That’s totally what I’ll be doing, by the way.
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