Previously on Big Brother:Russell got awesome and teamed up with Jeff.Ronnie became increasingly desperate and shrill.Jessie and Lydia bumped uglies on the live feeds, and with those
two, that euphemism is literal.Michele went from “Is she on the show?” to “Holy crap, I love her!”Ronnie and Lydia are on the block, and somebody (Jeff) is getting (Jeff) the Coup d’Etat which allows the selected player the chance to over throw nominations anytime between tonight’s show and the next elimination show. I can’t wait!

Wow, now that I like Russell, he’s stopped dressing like a d-bag on eviction night.Ronnie smugly strokes his chin, as if to convey that… uh… he has a beard?Man, I can’t stand that twerp.Lydia has painted a black bar across her eyes.How very 2004-Michael Stipe of her.
Julie and the Chen-fetus kick it to video and we see Michele not using the Veto.Ronnie thinks that means Michele ‘has no loyalty’, well, not any loyalty to Ronnie, at least.Michele and Jordan make awkward conversation, because the two of them are very nice but have nothing in common.Russell walks past and wonders what they’re talking about and gets all paranoid.Honestly, if Jordan told me she was talking about literature, I wouldn’t believe her either.Later, Michele tells Russell that Chima called him a liar, which irritates him.You’d think he’d have realized that Chima is dumb and irritating by now.