Big Brother 11 – Eviction, Week Four
Next, Russell confronts Jessie about Chima’s plan to backdoor him.Jessie, logically, is like “When is Chima going to have the power to do anything?”Anyway, this gets Jessie to think that Michele is lying, and she most definitely is not.CBS helpfully shows us a clip of Chima talking smack about Russell.Then, because these people are insane, Chima and Michele have it out in front of Russell.Michele then denies ever having said Chima wanted him out, because why have this argument anyway?This whole thing goes off the rails, with everybody yelling about unrelated issues.Russell and Chima really flip out on one another, an argument that eventually heads outside and seens to amuse Jeff and Jordan.She insults Russell’s ears at one point, and she’s a total crazy lady right now.
Later, Ronnie starts trying to drum up votes.He seems to think he can win over Jordan, despite having nominated her.Even Jessie thinks it’s a stupid plan, and that’s really when you have to reassess.Meanwhile, Jeff is looking to turn things up with Jordan, and they kiss in bed a little.And Ronnie walks in on them, which would turn you off romance for life, I think.At least Ronnie farts, which is one of the rare times that he’s been funny.Jordan and Jeff go back to making out while Ronnie keeps talking.
And we’re live!Julie asks Michele about the fight, and Michele says the house is “divided”.Hey, that’s the announcer’s job!She next asks Jessie about being a “have-not”, and he’s a big whiny baby.Oh, also he’s boring.But you knew that already.After a break, it’s time for the live Chenterview with Russell.He admits that his emotions got the best of him with Chima and he says that he’s apologized.Russell is very personable in his interview, by the way.I’m liking the guy.He’s no Jeff, but Russell is OK in my book.

Back live, Julie offers a chance for the Coup winner to use their power.Of course Jeff’s not using it tonight!Save it for next week so I don’t have to stress out, buddy!Lydia and her fauxhawk tell us why she should stay in the house.She really just needed to say “Because I’m not Ronnie”.Next, Ronnie starts out with tears, and ends with bitchiness, telling Michele she’s “the worst human being” he’s ever met.Why is she the worst?Because she didn’t veto him?What.A.Dick.
Kevin is the first to vote, and he votes to show Ronnie the door.Natalie is next, and she votes against Lydia.Chima also votes to evict Lydia.2 to 1, and now it’s time for a commercial break, during which I will call people to discuss how happy I am that Jeff won the Coup d’Etat.
Up next is Jessie.He votes to evict Lydia.One more vote means another week of Ronnie, which ain’t cool.Michele justifiably votes to evict Ronnie.Jeff keeps his eyes on the prize and votes against Ronnie.That just leaves Jordan, who strikes the killing blow on Ronnie.Yes!This is like the best episode ever!
Ronnie ignores Michele, cries, and says it’s just a game.Then when Michele tries to speak, he snaps at her.Because it’s just a game.Hate him so much!Back in the house, everybody stands around awkwardly, because that’s what they do these days.Kevin is upset that Ronnie’s picture hasn’t gone to black-and-white yet.Ha!I think Kevin’s afraid that Ronnie’s still in the house somewhere.
Julie asks Ronnie why he was a dick to Michele, and once again the fact that she didn’t like Ronnie means that she is terrible to everyone.Apparently, he told her that he’d forgive if she voted for him.You guys, he is an awful person who will never realize that he is an awful person.He’ll spend his life making people feel awkward.Stupid Ronnie.So glad he’s gone.See you at the finale, loser!
In the video, Kevin makes fun of Ronnie for sucking.Jessie tells him that he’s awesome.Russell says he’s not sad to see him go.Chima also calls him awesome.Michele’s video opens with “Ronnie, I hate you”, which makes me laugh really hard.Ronnie assures Julie that he and Michele won’t keep in touch.Know who’s relieved?Michele.
Time for the Head of Household competition.That’s right, they’re competing to see who gets to have their nominations overturned by Jeff.It’s another one of those “wake the houseguests at all hours with viewer messages” deals.Though it seems like this time they just played the messages in the early evening, and people seemed to enjoy them.
Julie will ask true-or-false questions about the messages – answer wrong and you’re eliminated.Michele and Lydia are out on the first question, and we are treated to insert shots of the bottom of the fish tank.Well, wouldn’t be a live show if we weren’t, am I right?Everybody gets the second question right.Jessie goes out on the next question, and is a predictably sore loser.Jeff and Jordan are out on the next question, which would be much worse if it weren’t for Jeff’s secret weapon.And then, if you can believe it, Chima wins!Damn, that’s not something I thought could happen.
Just keep telling yourself, Coup d’Etat, Coup d’Etat….
Since they have time, Julie asks the houseguests some viewer questions.One is a question about Lydia’s tattoos, so I’m already bored.The next question is for Kevin – who most needs a makeover?He pretends he can’t decide but picks Natalie.Hee.
Remember, the crazy lady can’t hurt us this week.Jeff will protect us.