Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7

Russell and Michele talk about possibly getting backdoored, and the paranoia has set in right away, as is Russell’s wont.

Now it’s time to learn about Gay People with Kevin!  In the DR, Kevin tells us how accepting everyone’s been of his orientation.  Yeah, they didn’t pick any gay bashing conservatives for the cast this season, did they?

Michele is now hanging out in the HOH with J & J and they b.s. about whether Kevin or Nat should go.  When she leaves, Jeff complains that he can’t talk to her and they conclude that Michele is sneaky.  Jeff is feeling the stress of having all the blood on his hands, while Jordan is just the cute, sweet one.  He’s really cranky and pissed she didn’t do any of the talking with Michele.  They bicker in private, but Michele returns, and it comes out that Michele should worry about herself and distance herself from Russell.  Downstairs, Jordan assures Kevin and Nat of their pawn status.  Kevin DRs that if Jeff and Jordan take the bait, he and Natalie will just stab them in the back.  Dammit, Kevin.

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