Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7

Jordan announces that each player will have 6 “gold cans” to use at will to stop any of the others for 60 seconds.  It has to be declared before the can is dropped who will be blocked.  At this point the leaders are Jeff with 16 and Kevin with 21.  Russell gets a gold can in and closes out Kevin for 60 seconds.  While Kevin’s out, Jeff surges ahead.

Then, Russell is down for one minute because Kevin drops a revenge can instead of maybe blocking Jeff.  Dumb.  Jeff is just busy as a bee getting up to 22 cans and is now tied with Kevin, helped by Russell being stilled for a moment.  Kevin’s at 23 cans when he decides to stop his momentum and miss 2 gold cans to block Jeff, who gets up to 23 as well.  Kevin proceeds to miss 2 more cans and Jeff calmly nails his 24th.  Oh, and Russell & Michele are Have Nots.  Jeff  & Jordan are super excited about him being HOH.  He tries to kiss her and she backs away like he has onion breath or something, which, for the record, I’d suffer through.  Just sayin’.  Kevin & Nat are worried, and Russell says he’s the best competitor, so he’s concerned as well.  Yes, that’s why you’re a Have Not, buddy.

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