Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7

After the competition, Kevin and Nat can’t believe they’ve never won HOH.  I can.  Kevin wants to remind Jeff that he’s not a big threat.  Meanwhile Nat’s taunting Kevin about “one can” but is just happy she beat Russell. She’s such a charmer, isn’t she?  They are whispering about wanting to make a Final 4 deal with Jeff & Jordan.  She calls Russell and Michele “sketchy”, which I can see with Russell but really don’t get much from Michele.

Everyone heads up to see Jeff’s HOH room, and pictures of Jeff’s childhood bowl cut reminds Jordan of Dumb & Dumber.  Heh.  Kevin calls Jeff’s pictures “various stages of hotness”. Sometimes Kevin cracks me up, except when he’s using words like “hateration” unironically.

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