Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7

Out in the backyard, Jordan says Jeff should bring her to Hawaii on his trip he won in the last HOH competition.  He says if they’re going to to Hawaii for 7 days he’s not just making out.  Jordan DRs that she could see them kissing and cuddling and that’s where she “draws the line.”  At least she’s smart enough to tell her mother what she wants to hear on national TV.

Russell comes up to the HOH to clear the air with J & J and Jeff recounts Kevin’s story from last week.  Russell covers mightily, and asks Michele for backup.  She doesn’t exactly help him by saying “we were chatting about lots of stuff.”  OK, maybe she could be seen as a wee bit shady.  Later, Jordan says she doesn’t trust Russ or Michele.  Jeff & Jordan decide to go outside and confront Russell.  After going in circles, Russell finally admits he doesn’t have a shot against Jeff with the jury, but stresses that he wants a Jeff, Jordan, Russell and Michele Final Four.  Jeff isn’t sure who to trust.

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