Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7

Russell and Michele discuss talking to Jeff again about nominations.  Both are concerned.  Michele goes up to the HOH to see if she can help the situation.  She says Russell is worried he’s going up.  Jeff reassures her to her face, but says in the DR that the ultimate decision is his.  Michele reports back to Russell that it’s all good, but he doesn’t believe it.  In the DR, he thinks it’s all too easy, and assumes he’s going up.

Jeff & Michele talk about their tans and her lab.  She reminds us that she’s a neuroscientist and that no one else in the house even remotely understands what it is she does.  Jeff marvels at her job description, and can’t believe all the time a researcher could spend on something, only to be beat by another scientist.  Jeff says he was impressed when he made a Lego castle…with directions (!), so he can’t even begin to think he could do what Michele does.  Well, at least he knows his limitations.

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