Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7

Kevin and Natalie plead their case for Final Four to Jeff, posing as “loyal” people compared to the “shady” Russ & Michele.  Jeff says it’s “intriguing”.  Jeff proposes putting Kevin & Nat up and backdooring Russell, since they’ll all play for the POV regardless.  He then goes to talk to Jordan, who trusts Natalie and Kevin way more than Russell.

Russell says he’d nominate Michele and himself if he was Jeff; it’s the best game move.  Before he pulls a key, Jeff congratulates everyone on making final six, and then pulls Russell’s key.  Michelle is next, followed by Jordan.  Kevin and Natalie are, of course, nominated.  He says it’s because he doesn’t like them as people, then everyone laughs at the joke.  He tells Kevin he’s up so he can experience all Big Brother has to offer, and Natalie, you’re used to it, so why not?  Jordan liked Jeff’s attempt to diffuse the tension.  So, it’s the whole double pawn move.  Russell is happy not to be nominated.  Jeff says Russell may have to “feel the reaper” this week.

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