Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations and Veto, Week 7


The previouslies (see above) conclude with Jeff’s comment about making a Lego castle.  The producers love Jeff almost as much as I do.

Jeff DRs that backdooring Russell is still just a “possibility”.  After nominations, Russell follows Jordan into the pool room and she promptly excuses herself to change clothes.  Russell is paranoid that she’s leaving as he enters, and she calls him on it.  He goes out and thanks Jeff again, really laying it on thick, but Jeff is less than warm.  Man, this is going to get ugly.

Sitting around the table, Nat and Kevin talk to Jordan, who then DRs that she trusts them more than Russell.  Up in the HOH, Jeff chides Jordan for not being focused and prepared for the upcoming competitions.  He’s got his eyes on the prize now and his partner is not doing her share.  They have their first fight, and she’s wounded by him raising his voice, which, if that’s the threshold, Jordan would be terrified of me when I lose my shit.

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