Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Nominations Week 9

Outside, the light bulb goes on for Jordan that Nat’s lying.  Kevin says the lie she created would make you an idiot to take her to final 2.  She comes outside and they ask her what gives.  Natalie requests that they not ask her anymore about it.  Kevin gets up immediately and goes inside.  Natalie says she’s gotta go do her nominations quickly.  Kevin heads up to the HOH and and confronts her while Natalie puts on–wait for it–an INFLATABLE CROWN and a robe and is holding something resembling a sceptre.  Once Kevin tells her how she might be screwing herself, she realizes just what a dumb thing she did.  Coming downstairs, she announces, “You all got got by an 18 year old, I just pranked you all!”  She then proceeds to tell the three of them that her boyfriend proposed and gave a twisty; the real ring is at home.  They are all “get out!” No one believes this either.  Then, Natalie says, “Where do you think I got this twisty from?” and Kevin points to the drawer, saying “right over here”.  Might have helped if she told the story about why Jason gave her the twisty.  It’s like the Boy Who Cried Wolf.  None of them know what to believe.  In the DR Kevin can’t believe she would lie about good news and wonders if her name is even Natalie.  Oh, wait, wait, I know!  I bet she’s not really 18!!!

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