Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Snap Judgements!


Casey: Hey, Casey is the only person on the show older than I am.  Casey is a fifth-grade teacher with a side job as a DJ.  And he will “rap for anyone on request”.  FUN FACT:  Nobody has ever requested that Casey rap for them. His motto is “refuse to lose”, and as rhyming mission statements go, it’s no “skin to win”.  He seems likeably dorky, with his admission that his fears are “his wife and the IRS”, so he’s totally your best friend’s dad who tries too hard to be funny.  The really worrisome part is that Casey says he’s “nervous about his nose-picking habit”.  That’s right, he’s 41 years old, and nose-picking is a significant enough part of his life that he actually mentioned it on a questionnaire.  This isn’t going to go well.

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