Previously on Big Brother:An awesome season went pear-shaped in a big damn hurry.Jeff was
evicted, and a nation wept.Then, against all odds, Natalie won her first competition ever (in an almost entirely luck-based game) and became the most self-aggrandizing HoH in history.Bad luck but Michele out and left Jordan in the house with Natalie and Kevin, and leaving our hopes for a happy ending slim at best.

When last we saw our final three, they were standing on a spinning log, holding onto their keys. Let’s see how this shakes out, if you can bear it.Remember, the fewer people in the house, the more you have to hear Natalie talk.
We’re live tonight, and Julie Chen is wearing a lot of brown.I think she also has glitter on her face, because she’s heading out to see Bon Jovi after the show.She explains that all three will make it to finale night, which means we don’t get any resolution tonight.