Big Brother

Big Brother 12 Season Premiere


Basically, the idea is to grab the hot dog like a zip line and go across.  There are cash prizes, starting at $10K for each member of the team that reaches the other side. $10k, $1k, $100, $1 and finally, HOH.  After Annie, Monet, Ragan, and  Lane get across for their teams and leave them tied, a series of shots of people grabbing a slippery hot dog and falling ensues.  Kristen gets across and then Brendon goes across by accident.  Britney tries again and falls and really hurts her knee; she can’t get up.  Monet brings up the valid point that maybe she’s the saboteur.  Meanwhile, Matt makes a deal with Hayden to let him go across last and win HOH.  After it’s determined that Brit is out, the other team gets to pick her replacement and they choose Kristen.  Kathy continues to suck at holding onto the wiener (no way around that phrase) while Kristen sails across the yard a second time.  Matt goes across.  Brendon is worried Kathy is the saboteur as she continues to struggle.  At last, Hayden becomes the first HOH and the members of his team get the cash prizes, with Monet winning $10k.

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