Big Brother

Big Brother 12: Veto, Week 3

It’s time for the Veto Ceremony! First, the nominees get to make their cases. Kathy realizes that Bendon’s not going to use the veto on her, and just congratulates him on winning. And now it’s Andrew’s turn. Andrew recounts the entire season to date. Basically, Brendon and Rachel called out Matt, then voted for him to stay. (Well, Brendon did, at any rate.) Matt called out their alliance and then didn’t nominate either of them. So Andrew announces that he’s coming after Brendon and Rachel and then asks Brendon to use the Power of Veto on him. I am not exaggerating when I say that nobody in the room is following this train of logic. They all look completely perplexed. Brendon, unsurprisingly, does not use the Veto. You mean he didn’t save the guy who threatened him?

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