Big Brother

Big Brother 12: Veto, Week 3

Kathy asks Matt for a chat. She explains that she only voted to evict Matt because she knew he was safe. Matt says he’s willing to let the house decide who’s going home. Well, that’s good that he’ll allow the game to play out according to the rules. Truly he is a fair and magnanimous leader.

Hayden and Kristin come to talk to Andrew about the stupid nomination. Or else they’ve started to worry that they really are siblings and need to be in Andrew’s presence to make sure they don’t commit any crimes against nature. Hayden says that he’ll veto Andrew – he seems passionate on the topic. There’s some talk that maybe the plan is to backdoor Brendon, but that is no longer foolproof. With the random chance element in the competitions, the person you’re trying to backdoor could end up playing for the Veto. Better to nominate two people you really want out then to take that chance.

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