Big Brother

Big Brother 12: Veto, Week 3

By the way, the second Andrew leaves the room, Hayden and Kristin start making out. I swear, Andrew is a sentient mound of saltpeter.

In the kitchen, Andrew is mad that Rachel put peaches in the iced tea. Apparently, that means the Have-Nots can’t drink it if there are peaches. Man, Big Brother’s dietary rules are about as complicated as the rules for keeping Kosher. Andrew’s going to need a flow chart if he stays a Have-Not. He walks around the house making the noise that Ray Barone made when he was frustrated, only it’s really long and sustained, and then he goes to sulk in the Have-Not Bedroom. Kathy goes to check on him, and he complains that Rachel is killing him. He feels sorry for Brendon that he likes her. He also mentions “idiocracy”, but I think he’s probably misspeaking rather than referencing the movie.

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